Gardenia Food on Facebook

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Gar­de­nia Food com­pany deals with pro­cess­ing of veg­eta­bles and mush­rooms. We make all efforts to ensure qual­ity and safety of our preserves.

Gar­de­nia Food’s pre­serves owe their suc­cess to tra­di­tional, proven recipes and high atten­tion to details through­out the man­u­fac­tur­ing process.

List of our prod­ucts can be found in the prod­uct cat­a­logue.

Please see also our offer on pieczarka​-bocz​niak​.pl

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Share your ideas!

Know good recipe? Made a photo? Send it to us! The best recipes get rewards! You’ll find the con­tact data on Con­tact page.

See also our offer at pieczarka​-bocz​niak​.pl


Cook with us! Sub­scribe our recipe feed to be informed about new, deli­cious Recipes.

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